
A plugin to check the status of a Dell systems warranty using dmidecode on Linux systems.
check_dell_warranty will use dmidecode to grab the system serial number, it will then make a query to Dell’s website and parse the results and print out a return.

By default a warning is issued when the warranty will expire in 30 days and critical is issued when it is going to expire in 10 days. These defaults can be changed on the command line.;d=1

update: Falls es noch keine neue Version gibt, bzw. Fehler bei critical und warning:

All you need to change is the following:

    if int(days_left) <= int(options.critical_days):
        print 'CRITICAL: Warranty start date: %s End date: %s Days left:
%s' \
        % (start_date, end_date, days_left)
    elif int(days_left) <= int(options.warning_days):
        print 'WARNING: Warranty start date: %s End date: %s Days left:
%s' \
        % (start_date, end_date, days_left)
        print 'OK: Warranty start date: %s End date: %s Days left: %s' \
        % (start_date, end_date, days_left)

update2: es gibt eine neue Version

2 Gedanken zu „Martyrs“

  1. nettes plugin, doch was mache ich mit den informationen?? neuer server nach garantieablauf?? 😉

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